The first annual Crowley Webb OlympiAD.

From track and field to table tennis to this year’s new kayak cross event – when the Olympics roll around, there’s a little something for everyone. As for us at Crowley Webb, our secondhand endorphins come from the cheering on the ads (and also Simone Biles).

So, for the first time ever, we welcome you to the Crowley Webb OlympiAD medal ceremony. Let’s award a podium stacked with creativity!


Representing Hyundai, the bronze goes to “It’s OK.” As a car company, presenting scenes of parents carting their children to and from soccer practice is nothing new, especially during the Olympics. But it’s the way this ad flips the cliché on its head that earned it a place on our podium.

Sure, the Olympics are a display of perseverance, but as Jason Sperling (chief creative officer of INNOCEAN USA) points out, “for many kids the passion doesn’t match the pressures.” This ad, the perfect complement to Hyundai’s There’s Joy in Every Journey campaign, reminds us to pursue what truly makes us happy.


Representing Molson Canadian, the silver goes to Sponsor the Parents. While the trendy tracksuits in this spot definitely earned Molson some points for style, it’s the activation around this campaign that makes it one of the elites.

To thank them for being the foundation of Team Canada, this beer brand treated nine parents of athletes to swanky endorsement deals, including paid contracts, exposure across Molson’s social channels, roles in the tv spot, and, of course, Molson brews.


You knew this was coming. Representing Nike, the gold goes to “Am I a Bad Person?” It’s just too good. Whether your conscience wants to agree with the messaging or not, this concept was born from an absolutely true human insight: winning isn’t for everyone. That’s why I’m writing this blog instead of landing triple axels. And as Hyundai reminded us, that’s OK!

As we cut to the closing ceremonies, we hope you’re feeling inspired. We’ll see you in 2026, or in the meantime, get in touch so we can collaborate on some golds of our own!