Crowley Webb continues growing, adds a Grow.
We’re thrilled with our continued growth and the addition of a few more fine folks to the team. Check out their creds:

Title: Digital Project Manager
Hometown: Rochester, NY
Education: Pursuing an M.B.A. with a concentration in Marketing, Canisius College; B.S. Marketing, State University of New York at Buffalo
Previous Role: Project Manager, Eric Mower + Associates
Things She Loves: Summer, running, traveling, vacation, family time
Addictions: Ice cream (preferably a twist in a cone with rainbow sprinkles)

Title: Videographer
Hometown: Kenmore, NY
Education: A.A.S. Digital Media, Niagara County Community College
Previous Role: Co-founder, Fully Forward; Freelance Videographer and Photographer
Things He Loves: Refinishing wood furniture, rugby
Addictions: YouTube, Instagram

Title: Account Executive
Hometown: Buffalo, NY
Education: B.A. Business Administration, State University of New York at Buffalo
Previous Role: Marketing Director, Palisades Center; Assistant Marketing Director, Walden Galleria
Things She Loves: Family, good food, going on spontaneous adventures
Addictions: Binge-watching Netflix, peanut butter M&M’S, Googling every question she can’t answer on her own

Title: Proofreader
Hometown: East Pembroke, NY
Education: B.A. Art History, European Studies, German, and History, Canisius College
Previous Role: Assistant Editor, Prometheus Books
Things She Loves: Her basset-lab mix named Audrey, her niece and nephew, running, colorful tights
Addictions: The Bills, German soccer, Netflix, crafty things on Pinterest that end up being way more difficult than they look

Title: Administrative Assistant
Hometown: Arcade, NY
Education: B.S. Communication with an emphasis in Public Relations and a minor in Leadership, SUNY Fredonia
Previous Role: Teller, Five Star Bank; Marketing and Communications Intern, SUNY Fredonia; Public Relations Intern, Mode PR
Things She Loves: Dogs, bike rides, fall weather, chocolate, Netflix
Addictions: Iced coffee, YouTube, sponge candy ice cream, Taylor Swift’s 1989 album
Welcome aboard, kids!