It’s not a goodbye, it’s a see you later (to our Route 86 interns).

Another summer, another incredible run with our Route 86 interns. This year, we were thrilled to welcome Emily Burritt, an incoming junior at SUNY Brockport, and Marysia Baldon, an incoming junior at the University at Buffalo, to our 10-week summer internship program. Route 86 gives interns a taste of each department at the agency, providing real experience that aligns with their skills and professional interests.

As much as it pains us to write this, Emily and Marysia’s summer internship must come to an end (although, we hope to welcome them back very soon). So, in honor of their time here, we want everyone to get to know Emily and Marysia and have them tell you about their experience here at Crowley Webb and Praxis.


What was the highlight of your internship?

Emily: That would have to be the TikToks Marysia and I made. It was such a little thing out of all the projects we did, but we had so much fun coming up with ideas and filming them! And the feedback we got was so nice to hear. We were able to include different Crowley Webb and Praxis employees in our videos, and that alone was great because their reactions were positive, and everyone was willing to be part of them!

Marysia: Overall, just how amazing the team is here! From day one, I felt welcomed, and I made so many great connections. Plus, Emily made my experience even more enjoyable. I loved having a buddy to do this with! Interacting with all sorts of personalities and with people who are willing to help and show me different ways to problem solve taught me so much.


Any favorite memories?

Emily: My favorite memory would have to be participating in the Highmark TaleGate activation. After getting invited to the event, I was ecstatic and immediately called my dad to tell him because I’m such a big Bills fan! I loved getting to watch it all come together and see how everyone played a part in the overall success of the event. And even though it was raining, the Crowley Webb team did not let that get their spirits down. They made it fun, and the whole day was something to remember. Plus, it was amazing to see everything that I was learning during

my internship come to life: from reaching out to media to learning how to build relationships with influencers, not to mention the organization and diligence of the account service team. I felt so lucky to have been able to experience it!

Marysia: Making TikToks with Emily has to be one of my favorite memories. I enjoyed being able to tap into our creativity while putting our social media skills to the test. Expressing my creativity was the one thing I was nervous about when accepting this position because I knew it was something I could be stronger at. But this experience has helped me understand that no idea is an entirely bad idea, and if anything, it could lead to an even better idea or brainstorm.


What did you learn about Crowley Webb and Praxis?

Emily: If I could write down everything that I learned here, we would have an eight-page-long blog post. Some learnings that really stood out to me include the love that the employees have for the work that they do along with the great relationships they have with their clients and fellow coworkers. One thing that is undeniable about Crowley Webb and Praxis is the talent that sits inside the Sweeney Building. Every single person I met and interacted with had a special gift of their own. I felt like a kid in the candy shop, listening to how everything was made. It was so cool to see my dreams being lived out daily by these beautiful people. Not only do they all have their own different talents, but to watch all of them come together and use their specialties in ways you didn’t think were possible is a whole different story. They also showed a lot of love and care, even during my interview for this position. I can’t say that there was a time that I ever walked by someone without exchanging a smile. Let’s just say the standards are very high for future opportunities. The employees here create magnificent work, and I feel honored to be able to have watched projects come together and to have seen the results.

Marysia: My time here has taught me about the importance of teamwork. This experience allowed me the opportunity to work with various departments and see firsthand how interconnected they are. Each department works closely using strong communication skills in addition to collaborating on creative ideas and demonstrating an open mindset to develop deliverables to fit each client’s needs. I am truly so appreciative and will now always have these foundational skills to apply to my professional career.


What are you looking forward to in the future?

Emily: I’m looking forward to receiving my undergraduate degree in 2026. From there, I can’t wait to enter the working world and apply all the knowledge and hands-on skills that I will have gained by then. I’m sad my time here at Crowley Webb is coming to an end, but this leaves room for me to grow and maybe return. Before this internship, I would have never seen myself in the advertising industry, and now that I’ve made such wonderful connections and relationships, who knows what the future holds for me and Crowley!

Marysia: I’m most excited for the freedom! I plan to move to the New York City area, and I feel like it’s going to be a new start, a new me. I won’t know anyone there, so I can meet new people and express myself in a different way! Plus, hopefully I’ll have my own place to do what I want with it, and I’ll be able to do things without having to worry about anyone else. The freedom will be so nice, and I can’t wait for adulthood!


Anything else you’d like to share?

Emily: To everyone at Crowley Webb and Praxis, thank you for taking the time to teach me all about your world. You have been the kindest, and I hope you all know how individually amazing you are! And to readers even outside of the agency, if I could tell you one thing, it’s to keep in the back of your mind that you should always be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you’re not just to impress people because the right people will accept you for who you are, just like how the individuals at Crowley Webb and Praxis accepted me. Not everyone’s going to like you for you, but that’s okay because the right people will. Plus, it’s their loss anyway.

Marysia: I would recommend an internship at Crowley Webb to any college student regardless of their background, experience, or major. This experience exceeded my expectations and impacted me in so many ways. I was able to touch every department, explore for myself, apply what I learned in the classroom, attend client meetings, and get a better idea as to what I see myself doing long term. I am so grateful to have met this amazing team and experience the great culture.

And there you have it, folks. The best of the best.

If you’re interested in working at Crowley Webb, or learning more about our summer internship program, Route 86, visit