Another 11 days facing off with cancer.
Buffalo fought cancer, one shift at a time. Again.
Earlier this summer, the 11 Day Power Play Community Shift happened. In case you missed it, this year’s event was a shift from last-year’s record-breaking spectacle. Instead of two teams, the organization opened it up to the entire community, with two different teams battling each four-hour shift for 11 days. We’ll help you with the math – that adds up to 102 teams (some played more than once), 1,500 players and 400 volunteers. The most important number? The $1.25 million (a quarter million more than the goal) raised for Roswell Park, Camp Good Days, and Make a Wish WNY.
Community Shift Poster
Pre-Event Digital Boards

We created boards that counted down the days until the big event. Starting 11 days out, of course.
Real-Time Matchup Boards

We provided a live update of who was playing each four-hour shift.
Static Boards
Words of Wisdom Wall

After each shift, players were invited to share tips and inspiration with their comrades.
A super huge, 24/11 thanks to our team for their dedication and hard work on this project. And an extra special thanks to our very own Matt McCarthy, who skated a four-hour shift and is a true inspiration to his CW coworkers.
How can you help, you ask? You’re welcome and encouraged to donate to the cause.